A new poll of more than 6,000 young people from 26 countries shows that more teens are having unprotected sex. It’s in part due to the fact they receive inadequate sex education. This means despite their sense of invincibility, more kids around the world are at risk for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs). How do we get them to wise up? How about we get them to Occupy Condoms? Inspired by Occupy Wall Street—where a pro-prophylactic movement  may be needed since, as we go to press, there are reports of people having sex at the protests—Condomania is selling a line called Occupy Condoms at a 70 percent discount (to jibe with the spirit of social change and equality). The condoms’ wrappers read: “Occupy Condoms. We Won’t Be Screwed! We Will Come First!” Cheap condoms with cool packaging? Sounds like something kids might buy.