Daniel Rick, a 28-year-old Minneapolis man, was charged with third-degree assault for failing to tell two male sexual partners that he is HIV positive, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reports. One of the men has tested positive for the virus.

In February, Rick was charged with raping a drunken man after a night out in downtown Minneapolis. He was also charged with third-degree sexual assault for allegedly sexually transferring an infectious agent without disclosing he had it. Publicity from that case inspired two men to come forward to police about their consensual sexual relations with Rick last October. Hennepin County attorney Mike Freeman’s office filed the two additional third degree assault charges March 24.

“It’s almost like saying, ‘I’ve got this disease, I’m mad at the world and I want to spread it everywhere,’” Freeman said in regards to Rick’s behavior.

Robert O’Riley, the partner who tested positive, is urging anyone who has had sex with Rick to come forward.

“I made a mistake and didn’t protect myself, and all it took was one time,” O’Riley said. “Never assume anything.”