We’re Harm Reduction Coalition, and we need your help.

For over 20 years, we’ve supported syringe access programs through trainings, conferences, technical assistance, and advocacy. Communities struggling with the harms of drug injection — overdose, HIV, hepatitis C, and other health problems — reach out to us when they need guidance and support.

This year we’re helping new syringe access programs start up in places like Kentucky and West Virginia, which have never had programs before. But in too many places, syringe access programs are too controversial. Over one-third of the country doesn’t have any syringe access programs. We have to get the word out that syringe access works, and we need syringe access now.

That’s where you come in: help us kick off a new campaign to spread the word and expand syringe access. We’re planning a social media campaign that raises the voices of people who care about syringe access — people who care about those struggling with drug use. People like you.

We’re in the midst of a new heroin crisis. Hundreds of thousands of people across the country are injecting drugs, and too many of them don’t have a syringe access program nearby. The stakes have never been higher, and the opportunities for expanding syringe access have never been greater. We can end the heroin crisis and save lives — through hope, compassion and harm reduction. That means sharing a simple message: Syringe access now, syringe access everywhere!

How We’ll Do It

Syringe Access Saves Lives will be an online campaign using words and images to advocate for syringe access programs in the places that need them most. In September, we’ll bring the talented photographers from Luceo to the United States Conference on AIDS. They’ll photograph conference attendees and capture — in their own words — why their communities should support syringe access programs. These words and images will be the foundation for a national awareness and education campaign, reaching policymakers, health officials, and the general public to support grassroots advocacy for syringe access. The funds that you donate will directly support the costs of developing and producing the Syringe Access Saves Lives campaign.

Why We’re Doing It

We’re doing this project to engage new audiences, lift up diverse voices, and find more allies in our fight for syringe access coverage across the United States. This is a pivotal time for syringe access: more heroin and more injection drug use have led to more hepatitis C infections and more overdose deaths. An HIV outbreak in Indiana, driven by injection of prescription painkillers, has catapulted syringe access back into the headlines. Even Congress and the White House are now paying attention! We need to seize this momentum, make some lasting changes, and help communities get syringe access.

We’ve worked with Luceo before — check out their harm reduction portraits series, which were exhibited at a major global drug policy meeting at the United Nations. We’re excited and think this campaign will really make some noise.

How You Can Help

Get started now by making a contribution and spreading the word! We’ve got some great harm reduction perks for you, to show our gratitude for your generosity.

And please let your friends, family and colleagues know about our fundraising campaign! We need a lot of support and good will to make this happen. Together, we can make great things happen!

This article was originally published on Indiegogo. Please email poellot@harmreduction.org for information for tax purposes.