“He’s dangled out of helicopters to save people,” said a senior official at a March 26 press conference, confirming Bush’s Surgeon General choice as Richard Carmona, MD, an Arizona trauma surgeon who won a Top Cop award for his role in a highway shootout.... Johns Hopkins radiologist Elias Zerhouni, MD, was tapped to head the NIH, a post vacant for two years. Carmona and Zerhouni are both said to have passed Bush’s Christian litmus test: anti-abortion (and stem-cell research), pro-abstinence.... Jeffrey Koplan, departing CDC director, told the press HIV should remain a top priority. “If we become the Centers for Bioterrorism, rather than Disease Control, we would not be serving the public”.... Michael Duffy took the helm at Boston’s AIDS Action Committee as founding director Larry Kessler shifted to fundraising.