Opioid substitution treatment (OST) raises the likelihood of optimal adherence to HIV antiretrovirals (ARVs) by 68 percent, aidsmap reports. Publishing their findings in the journal AIDS, researchers in British Columbia, Canada, followed 1,852 HIV-positive injection drug users (IDUs) who were eligible for ARVs for an average of 5.5 years between 1996 and 2010.

The study investigators defined adherence to ARVs as taking 95 percent of pills in a calendar month, measured by pharmacy refill rates.

The participants who took OST were on ARVs for 56 percent of the time they were followed in the study. Those not on OST took ARVs just 36 percent of the time.

OST increased the likelihood of good adherence by 96 percent overall. After factoring out various other elements that may have influenced this figure, the researchers found that OST upped adherence by 68 percent.

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