1. Start your day with energy and enthusiasm. Putting a bounce in your step will keep you on your fitness path.

basket of laundry
  1. Clean your house and shape up! Do a few lunges in between picking things up from the floor. Do some squats while loading the dishwasher. Do a few calf raises while folding the laundry.

  1. It’s easy to find ways to work out while running errands. Park your car as far away as possible in the lot to get in some extra steps. Have a choice between stairs or the elevator? Start climbing.

exercise illo man with TV
  1. Staying in and watching TV? Try stretching, or do some sitting squats while you’re on the couch.

Craig Ramsay is a fitness expert, author and winner of season 8 of The Amazing Race Canada. Follow him on Instagram at @craigramsayfit.

Craig RamsayCourtesy of Craig Ramsay