Most people experience stress from time to time. And while not all stress is bad, it’s important to recognize when it is negatively affecting your health. It’s also vital to know how to deal with stress in a positive and healthy manner. POZ recently asked about the stress in your life and how you handle it. Here are your responses.

In the past month, how often did you feel stressed?
63% - Frequently
32% - Occasionally
5% - Never

How well do you handle stress?
12% - Very well
58% - Somewhat well
30% - Not very well

The No. 1 cause of stress in your life is: dealing with financial matters

The top 5 ways you handle stress are:

  1. Watch television
  2. Eat
  3. Listen to music
  4. Talk to others
  5. Sleep

Tips for Managing Stress

  1. Take care of yourself by exercising regularly, eating a healthy diet and getting plenty of sleep.
  2. Find support from friends, family or other sources.
  3. Avoid drugs and alcohol.
  4. Spend time with loved ones and people you care about.
  5. Practice relaxation techniques, such as breathing exercises, meditation or yoga.