Trogarzo (ibalizumab), a long-acting monoclonal antibody administered by IV infusion every two weeks, can suppress HIV for nearly 10 years. Instead of attacking HIV directly, the antibody attaches to CD4 receptors on T cells and prevents viral entry. Trogarzo was approved in 2018 for people who have tried numerous prior therapies and have highly resistant HIV. A Phase III trial showed that 43% of participants who received Trogarzo plus other drugs selected through resistance testing had an undetectable viral load after six months of treatment. Researchers also went back and analyzed long-term outcomes among 12 men in an earlier Phase IIb trial who joined an expanded access program when that study ended. At the last follow-up visit, which occurred 7.8 to 9.5 years after initial trial enrollment, 11 had a viral load below 50, and all 12 were below 200. Although only a small number of people have used Trogarzo for that long, these findings show that it can be an effective component of long-term antiretroviral therapy for people with limited treatment options.