When a group of people living with HIV met at an AIDS conference in 1983, they understood that people who have the disease must be included as equal partners in any effort to fight the epidemic. And thus, The Denver Principles manifesto and the HIV self-empowerment movement were born. POZ recently asked you about your thoughts on self-empowerment and advocacy. Here are your responses:

81% of you still believe The Denver Principles are relevant today.

Do you believe that most AIDS service organizations reflect the perspectives and priorities of people living with the virus?
62% - No
38% - Yes

97% of you believe it is important to have a national HIV/AIDS advocacy organization.
89% of you would be willing to join a national HIV/AIDS advocacy organization.
66% of you would pay to become a member or donate money to a national HIV/AIDS advocacy organization.

How important is it for people living with HIV/AIDS to be involved in advocacy?
86% - Very important
13% - Somewhat important
1% - Not important

92% of you believe that AIDS service organizations that receive federal funding should be required to have people living with HIV on their boards of directors.