Traditional media coverage of HIV/AIDS usually disappoints me, so I’m pleased to acknowledge an article by columnist Daniel Shoer Roth of El Nuevo Herald, the Spanish-language sister publication of The Miami Herald.

Translated into English, “Rejection painful for gay men with HIV” asks a question that strikes

close to the

heart of people living with HIV--"When is the best time for a gay man who is

dating to reveal his HIV/AIDS status?"


To get answers, the writer attended a group therapy session for gay men at the Miami Beach Community Health Center. The answers he received were varied, including one person who tells potential dates immediately and another person who waits a few dates. Homophobia and AIDS phobia were mentioned as major contributors to stigma against HIV-positive gay men.

No new ground was broken by this article. However, it was heartening to see these topics discussed openly in a Spanish-language newspaper (and for an English-language newspaper to reprint it from a Spanish-language newspaper).