I had the pleasure several weeks ago of attending the taping of a special episode of El Show de Cristina (The Cristina Show) focusing on HIV/AIDS in the Latino community.

Many of the participants were from the “Soy” public service campaign developed by the Kaiser Family Foundation and Univision Communications. POZ cover guy Jesse Sanchez from the September 2007 issue also participated.

For those of you who may not know Cristina Saralegui, she often is described as the Oprah Winfrey of Spanish-language media. Her weekly TV show on Univision reaches millions of people in the United States and Latin America. Her various other businesses range from a magazine to home furnishings.

Titled “SIDA: 27 Años Despues” (“AIDS: 27 Years Later”), the special episode airs tonight, Monday, January 5, at 10 p.m. Eastern time on Univision. I encourage everyone to tune in. Stay tuned for my thoughts on the show in my next blog post.

Here are two photos I took during the taping: