(UPDATE: Congratulations to Nick Cady- who won this contest with a guess of 592. The count was 596. Well done!)

So last World AIDS Day I released a Depeche Mode cover album to commemorate 25 years since I met them through the Make-A-Wish Foundation. I’m about to head in for lab work and I figured that this would be a great time for a Labtest Contest!

What’s that? Well, it’s a contest- whoever guesses closest to my CD4 count wins the cover album! If two people guess the same number, then whoever guessed first wins. Just follow the rules below:

1. One guess per person, can guess as a Comment on my POZ Blog, on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter. But if you post on social media, you have to use the hashtag #LabtestContest, since that’s how I’ll find your guess!

2. The range to guess between is 250-800.

3. Contest is open between July 5-11, 2016. Winner will be announced when I get the results back. Good luck!

Positively Yours,
