UPDATE: Voting has ended. You can view the winners here.


The internet can be a little noisy at times, and some important stuff can get lost in the shuffle. That’s why I love the yearly POZ Awards, which recognizes outstanding contributions to HIV awareness. For the AIDS community, it’s kind of our Oscars... only the nominees are way more attractive and talented.

Don’t believe me? Well, just take a look for yourself at this year’s nominees for Best Celebrity Advocate, Best in Visual Arts, Best in Film or Television, Best in Literature, Best Virtual Event and Best Reason to Keep Acting Up. It’s a solid group. What’s best is that we are the academy here, and it’s our vote that determines who wins the coveted prize every year. But really, look at this list. There’s not a “loser” among them. And that goes for anyone who put their art and heart out into the world during this past year, which was undoubtedly shaped by a pandemic.  

In regard to that last sentiment- was there a potential nominee that was overlooked? If so, share it in the Comments section.

You have until December 1 to vote for your favorite nominees!

Positively Yours,