U equals U is a real big deal

And I would like to take the time to let you know how it makes me feel.

It makes me feel good deep down in my soul.

It gives me strength, it makes me whole.

To not have to worry about my HIV and passing it on to others, sets my heart free.

Free to love and free to live.

I can give of myself because now I have all of myself to give.

Even though my baby boy is gone.

U equals U gives me hope to continue to live on.

So when I tell you U equals U is a real big deal, it gives me the ability to have sex appeal

And “It Makes Me Feel Like A Natural Woman”, in the words of Aretha Franklin.

This shit is real.

U equals U means something different in everyone’s eyes.

When I tell you the first moment upon meeting Bruce Richman, was like a Blessing in disguise.

He reassured me that everything will be alright, that if I trust the process U equals U will give me sight.

The sight to move on, the vision to be free.

The strength to stand tall and the courage to just be me.