The Ramat Shalom Synagogue in Plantation, Florida, will be holding an interfaith Passover seder on March 30 that will focus on AIDS awareness, linking the Jewish exodus from Egypt to the modern-day struggle against HIV/AIDS, the Miami Herald reports.

“I love being connected to the idea of the need to be free from enslavement to this virus,” says the Rev. Naomi King, minister at the River of Grass Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Plantation. “I see the parallels to the Passover story, of leaving Egypt and finding the Promised Land. We’ve been wandering in the desert a long time to find a cure.”

The seder precedes observance of Passover—which begins at sundown on April 19—by several weeks. The article reports that the seder, which was originally established five years ago, will offer a kosher meal and informational packets about HIV/AIDS, in addition to showcasing several panels from the national AIDS Memorial Quilt.