A molecular condom, developed by Kavita Madanlal Gupta, an Indian Ph.D. student, and Patrick Kiser, an assistant professor of bioengineering, both at the University of Utah, has sparked the interest of four Indian companies that are interested in commercializing the contraceptive (sify.com, 10/31).

The condom in question is a microbicide liquid, which becomes gelatinous at body temperature and releases anti-HIV drugs in the presence of semen. Another microbicide product, Vivagel, is currently undergoing trials in San Francisco, Kenya and Australia.

The university’s vice president of Technology Venture Development, Jack Brittain, will sign memoranda of understanding with India’s Globerian, Global Health Private Ltd., Medicity and Manipal Acunova Ltd.

“These Indian companies are unique partners for the University of Utah,” Brittain says. “Their leaders are innovative and eager to bring new medical technologies to their community.”