Launched in 1996, provides an archive of every issue of POZ magazine. The site also posts daily national and international HIV/AIDS news, treatment updates and special reports on a wide variety of cultural, social, political and medical topics. also offers members of the HIV community opportunities to come together to share their stories, experiences and expertise through a variety of web and social media platforms.

POZ News

Up-to-date information on an array of topics related to HIV

POZ Blogs

Insights from a diverse group of bloggers on a variety of issues

POZ Stories

The real-life stories of people living with and affected by HIV/AIDS

POZ Archive

Access to every print issue from the past 25 years

POZ Personals

The premier online dating service for people living with HIV

POZ Forums

A round-the-clock discussion area for people concerned about HIV/AIDS


Essential information about HIV testing, transmission, prevention, treatment and more

Conference Coverage

The latest HIV-related news and highlights from conferences around the world

Health Services Directory

A comprehensive and searchable guide to health care and services for people with HIV


A listing of upcoming events relevant to the HIV community