Taking antiretrovirals for four consecutive days each week followed by a three-day break may maintain viral suppression as well as daily pills. The French QUATOR trial enrolled more than 600 adults with a viral load below 50 for at least a year. For the first 48 weeks, they were randomly assigned to either stay on their existing daily regimens, most of which included an integrase inhibitor or a non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI), or to take their meds Monday through Thursday followed by three days off. After that, both groups followed the four-day schedule for another 48 weeks. Among participants who were on the four-day schedule for two years, 93% maintained viral suppression, 4% developed virological failure (more common among NNRTI recipients) and several developed drug-resistance mutations. Both treatment strategies were safe and well tolerated, but people in the four-day group saw a small improvement in kidney function. What’s more, the four-day regimen reduced the cost of treatment by about 40%.