At midnight I close the voting on my Labtest Contest. I’m debating whether to sneak in a guess of my own... what I do know is that I’m adding a copy of my latest CD, A Symptom of Life, to the prize mix. Okay, now the pot is sweet enough, so take a stab!

Also, while you are typing away, please consider giving my friend’s organization, The Harry Potter Alliance, a helping hand. I blogged about their bid to win $250,000 at the end of June... well, their contest ends at midnight tonight as well, and the stakes are much higher than my little contest.  The HP Alliance is within 10 votes of winning... 10 votes, good God.

So please, vote at You just have to have a Facebook account, it’s three self-explanatory clicks. Here’s to the magical thinking of high t-cell results this week, and the ability for the Harry Potter Alliance to change more lives and fight for LGBT rights and other awesome causes.

Thank you for the support!

Positively Yours,
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Like what you’ve read? Then buy me an iced mocha or check out my new CD: Synthetic Division, A Symptom of Life, which is now on iTunes!