In July, the Caribbean Community Secretariat accepted Cuba’s offer to train health workers and give the region discount Cuban-made HIV meds.

Brazil announced a $1 billion plan July 12 to coordinate affordable condom and generic-med production with Russia, Ukraine, China, Nigeria and Thailand.

Bulgaria refused Libya’s offer to negotiate with the families of 400 HIVer Libyan children—allegedly intentionally infected by six Bulgarian medics who’ve been sentenced to death.

Uganda began limiting AIDS-med sales in July to 54 government-accredited centers—because docs were reportedly hocking fake drugs with bogus instructions.

Twenty-three South Koreans living with hemophilia—and now hep C—filed a class-action suit against the government in July for mislabeling 1,205 blood samples that contained hepatitis and HIV.

New Zealand will start screening potential immigrants for HIV in 2005 and will admit only 20 foreign HIVers a year—hoping to cut national health-care costs.