In 2016, the Prevention Access Campaign (PAC) launched to promote the Undetectable Equals Untransmittable (U=U) campaign. The fact that people on effective HIV treatment with an undetectable viral load cannot transmit the virus sexually was an uplifting message for all.

From the PAC website:

Prevention Access Campaign’s collaborative advocacy, education, and communications work has resulted in historic global changes to the official risk assessments of HIV sexual transmission. Together, we’re changing the narrative about living and loving with HIV.

PAC’s collaborative advocacy has resulted in historic global changes to the official assessment of HIV transmission risk. These changes are transforming the lives of millions of people living with HIV, their partners, and the field. In close collaboration with influential leaders at all levels — from grassroots to government to global — we work toward systemic changes to improve the quality of life for people living with HIV and strengthen efforts to end the epidemic. 

PAC supports global and in-country partners at they move health ministries and other influential medical, research, and public health bodies to: 

  • implement policies to reduce barriers to treatment, care, and diagnostics to improve personal and public health
  • integrate the U=U science into HIV guidelines and official communications
  • promote and/or require U=U education within their countries/regions
  • develop national strategies for sustainable and effective countrywide U=U programs

U=U adds an essential “public health” or “Win-Win” rationale in our advocacy. When people living with HIV have the treatment, care, and services they need to stay undetectable, they stay healthy and cannot transmit HIV through sex.  So, treatment, care, and services for individuals living with HIV are also good for the economic, social and public health of the community. PAC and partners are strengthening the global advocacy narrative by promoting the U=U public health rationale and Win-Win Agenda in the fight for universal access to treatment and care. For more information on the Win-Win Agenda and using U=U in public health policy and advocacy see Win-Win Agenda and U=U Public Health Benefits. 

In addition to advocacy, PAC and partners influence key leaders and institutions by organizing live and virtual demonstrations worldwide. While most of our work has been at the diplomatic discussion level, some of our strategies, especially in the start-up phase, have included more public activist tactics to hold stakeholders accountable and pressure them toward action.

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