A simple note.  Today I was vertical, taking nourishment, AIDS medications, and not too many pain pills one week after being released from the hospital for my multiple trauma accident.  As I was reviewing this past week I realized I received numerous transfusions in the hospital because of a major head wound and the nasty little fact that I bleed buckets of blood into my punctured right lung. 

You know what?  The blood came from total strangers.  People who out the generosity of their hearts rolled up their sleeves and gave me their blood.  They saved my life.  I cannot even to begin to express my gratitude to these wonderful people.  In a world when the worst of humankind is pointed out in painful detail there are people who feel (and rightly so) that they have a social responsibility to give their blood to help out strangers. 

It is this simple but daring act of human generosity that is filling my heart and soul with gratitude tonight.  I now have new heroes in my life and I thank God for them.  Thank you strangers.  The world feels a little more like home today because of your act of kindness and responsibly - and I bloody well mean it from the bottom of my fractured heart!