A quick update:

Breast Cancer.jpg

As I wrote about here, two women who are very close to me- my Mom and one of my closest friends, were recently diagnosed with breast cancer. First, I want to thank everyone for there kind words and thoughts.

J, my HIV poz friend, had her surgery and it went as well as it possibly could have. There was no sign that the cancer had spread and she is recovering well. No chemo needed, but she still has radiation in front of her.

My Mom has surgery on Thursday. She met with the surgeon last week, who said that the kind of cancer she has this time is less pathogenic than the kind she survived, and the lump is quite small. We will know more on Thursday.

So, the news is good on both fronts. But cancer is still stupid.

Jack.jpgOn another quick note, if anyone reading this is in the Bay Area, tomorrow night is Project Inform?s annual fundraiser, Evening of Hope. This year?s event is a major departure from past years, and centers around a ?condom fashion show? hosted by Project Runway?s Jack Mackenroth. The fashion show will feature gowns made with condoms as well as other non-condom pieces. There will also be a sit down dinner. For information please visit https://www.poz.com/article/project-inform-leader-hiv-hepatitis-c-advocacy-likely-close