One of the participants in the retreat I went to this weekend is an ex-priest. Not sure how, but we started to talk about the new Catholic cathedral in Oakland- which I refer to as God’s Vagina. I live just up the road from the Cathedral of Christ the Light. When it was being built there was a large, wooden internal frame structure that looked a bit like a bird cage- which I dubbed, ’God’s Birdcage’. Once they began to build the outside of the structure, the cage disappeared-- and for a while it looked like the base of a blender. One day when it was close to being done, I was running and saw the view below- immediately I said, ’God’s Vagina.’ Turns out that term was used in ’Pineapple Express’- which I saw, but did not remember that line. And I thought I was clever.
God's Vagina.JPG