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Robert Sheriff

I know this doesn't have much to do with HIV directly, but it does effect us in ways. So here it is: Well, here we are again. Sex scandals rock Washington, D.C. First, a high-ranking person in the Bush administration is charged with using call girls. Oh, I did use them but there was no sex involved. Yeah, right! Does this sound familiar? “No, I never had sex with that woman!” Now famous words from Bill Clinton. Then the semen stained dress pops up! Come on (pun not intended), how stupid do they think we are? Obviously, the only stupidity there is from the culprits themselves. They must think that we will believe anything they say. After all, we must have believed their campaign promises to elect them. At least, that’s what they obviously think. Now, from the rumor mill, Laura Bush is going to sue for divorce where she will seek a 10 million dollar settlement. Reportedly, she found out that G. W. has been sleeping with Condoleeza Rice. This rumor also has it that George Bush (Daddy Bush) also slept with Ms. Rice. Could it be that she has slept her way to the top? Sure sounds like it. Face it, people are people. Given the chance, these people in power will sleep with each other. We are a horny planet. Look at China and it’s population explosion. Even the threat of deadly STD’s has not slowed our desire to fornicate. On The heels of all this, legislators are wanting to put a stop to prostitution. This is the world’s oldest profession. And they want to put a stop to it!? That’s like the “war” on drugs. That war has proven to be a dismal failure. Weed is now so popular that it seems like everyone does it at least from time to time. I work in a gas station; you would not believe how many people I see coming in stoned in an eight-hour shift. The cops find it growing just about everywhere, a lot of it growing wild. This weed growing wild, mind you, is considered “ditch weed” (of little use for getting high with). The really potent weed still grows in private “grow rooms”, and still manages to make it to market. G.W. started the war in Iraq claiming an “Axis of Evil”. So far, it has been somewhat disastrous. Improvements have been made in their society but it has opened the country up to being a target for terrorist organizations. Most likely because we are still there. As long as we are there, that country will continue to be a target. The terrorists look to discredit any improvements, simply because it has been brought about by our country and our men in uniform. Back to the point, their desire to war on prostitution will likely end in a proliferation of prostitution and the sexual diseases and viruses that come along with it. The only way they will win in any war be it drugs, prostitution, or any other vice will be to change EVERYONE’S mind about committing such acts. If they are not able to convince everyone, there will always be some group carrying on covertly. Short of brainwashing everyone in the country and those who visit, the prospect of a win is going to be just another pipe dream for congress to waste our money on. Also, in the news and documentaries, in the recent past, has been how the fraternities have placed certain people in high-ranking positions in order to try to gain control of the government. Unfortunately, this strategy has been made public all but timely. The thought that they public has a say in what the government does has been long gone now. The government has become a mix of factions vying for control of the government. We have various groups, such as the fraternities and certain (if not most) industries warring against each other while the public ends up absorbing the backlash of the mistakes made by these groups. After all, the public knew that making war on Iraq would be a misstep for the country. But Bush wanted to start this war in the hopes that we would win decisively, resulting in some kind of power that would enable us to have an unfair advantage against China’s bidding for oil. This has not been a war against terrorism so much as it has been a war to acquire a means of getting cheaper oil, while allowing the price of oil to soar for other countries. Bush has made his money in oil, if he somehow could gain control of at least part of the world’s oil supply, he easily make much more money. Well, he is truly making more now that the price has gone through the roof at the pumps. He also knew that terrorists would try to target Iraq while he tried this. Hence, the war on terror. The World Trade Center played right into his hands when those planes hit it. Having made their money in oil is the reason that we are still being held in this vicious cycle of dependency. That and the fact that there is no infrastructure for alternative fuels. We don’t have to change overnight to a different fuel source (except where the environment is concerned), but, we need to do this quickly. The sooner the better. Imagine, if we were able to throw off our dependency upon oil, we could be the strongest nation in the world again. Picture us getting our fuel from water (hydrogen). This is something that falls everyday to our ground. A virtually endless supply of fuel! It should be noted however, from whom this news of sex scandal and improprieties had been brought to the public by the same people waging this war, the oil and gas industries. Does this sound like objective news to you? It doesn’t to me. After all, they are only going to sponsor news that works to their favor. Would you sponsor something that would make you look bad? I know I wouldn’t. Food for thought, maybe.

April 28, 2007


Just read your this blog post. I know it's a out of date to be saying this now... but I find it so amazing that the American government keeps saying "no money! no money! no money!" when it comes to diagosing, treating and preventing HIV yet they don't seem to have any issue with spending trillions of dollars on more effective ways to kill people all over the world. I would ask, what's more important?

December 4, 2006


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