Is the title of my memoir. I held the finished book in my hands for the first time today. After a year and a half of long, late nights and endless weekends at the computer it feels amazing that the fruits of my literary labor have been born! It is surreal...magical...wonderful...
terrifying...and liberating...

Here’s a link to a new story about me and the upcoming book, written by Steve Slon (who is editor-in-chief of AARP, the magazine) for New Jersey Life (the magazine of which I used to be editor-in-chief). We are also excerpting the book in the October issue of POZ (which will hit the streets about a week before the book is in the bookstores on September 22).

I’m so eager to get your feedback on the book. I really hope the book busts out of the bubble of the HIV community and reminds everyone that anyone who’s ever had (or is planning to have) unprotected sex is at risk for HIV and should be tested. I also hope that the book helps to dissolve the deadly stigma that surrounds HIV/AIDS and keeps people from being educated about the disease, getting tested and treated for it, and finding the support they need and deserve. I am so TIRED of AIDS stigma. Enough already!

Well...back to editing the October issue and trying to write a speech for the upcoming Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s conference focused on (not surprisingly) prevention. Eric Goosby and Tom Frieden and Jeff Crowley and Magic Johnson are all on the lineup for the opening night’s program. It’s a little daunting to know you’re following their acts...but an honor to be asked to participate!

I’ll report from the conference in HOTlanta (aka Atlanta)...