My computer and I have had our first tiff. First major one anyway. It decided it doesn?t like my wireless keyboard anymore and I?ve exhausted all possibilities. It should be working because the mouse runs through the same system and its fine. Yes, of course I changed the batteries! Yep, pushed the little ?beam me up, Scotty? buttons on both units too. Nada. Re-boot, nope. Doc Martin?s? I?ll get back to you on that one.

The skirmish started yesterday afternoon. I?d like to think the gentle brushing I gave it in the morning with the new, as of yet unnamed hoover did no harm and a world of good. Stop snickering! I was gentle, I promise. I?ve done it before with other keyboards and they still work, otherwise you would not be reading these words. I have a funny feeling it?s going to be one of those arcane computer whatsits ? you know, the kind where you try it again in a few days and it works fine. It?s like ?where you been??

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I ran loads of scans and diagnostics today. I poked here and poked there. While I was poking my friend Norton, I disabled my ad-blocker to see what all the fuss was about concerning the banner ads now appearing on a screen near you. (Or not, as the case may be.) Expecting a big splash across the top of the screen, I was pleasantly surprised to find them unobtrusively perched on the bottom of the page. The ad, don?t remember what for, seemed tasteful and I thought the placement was a good compromise.

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