I really don’t know what made me want to talk about profanity. It actually came to me when I was about to take a nap. I figured maybe it was due to indulging in some of the good green. I would sleep on it and if the thought was still there then I would speak on it. Can we talk?

I will probably be the only person who will openly admit that I like to use profanity. Why not? I do believe there is a time and a place for it. And if used in the wrong way, it can show a person’s ignorance. I prefer not to use profanity in the wrong way but instead to use it to express myself or as adjectives, which can make story telling quite colorful. Most people think profanity is a negative thing, not me. I like to turn a negative into a positive when I can.

*WARNING*: That does not mean go out and call the first person you see a bitch or whatever profanity you choose to use. Some may not appreciate it and it could result in violence.

I thought I would throw that warning in there. You never know with some people. Common sense should tell you when the right time is to use profanity or with whom. Don’t get me wrong, not every word that comes from my mouth is profanity. And I can hold a conversation without the use of profanity. The words are there, why not use them? I don’t feel profanity is used more by one nationality than the other. I do feel the pronunciation of certain words are used differently by certain nationalities. For instance, let’s use the word “motherfucker”. Not being racial, but white people say it totally different than a black person would. White people pronounce the word as it is spelled. On the other hand, black people replace the “er” with the letter “a”. I guess leaving in the “er” sounds too proper.

I notice that I tend to use profanity more when I am comfortable around someone. My best friend and I call each other bitches. It is not used to mean disrespect. We are more like sisters. Now when I use it with my biological sisters, it really depends because they can really be bitches. If someone outside of that circle was to call me a bitch, I really wouldn’t get upset. I know you are saying “Yeah, right” but I am serious. To me, it means that I am someone who does not take anyone’s shit. Or if another female is calling me a bitch, well, that means to me, she obviously is hating for some reason. She wants something that I have. I mean, think about all the times someone has called you a bitch. If you break down the situation, it stems from them being jealous of something you have. If a man calls me a bitch, it is usually because I have told his ass off about something or he has tried getting some ass from me. My response first off being polite would “No Thanks? for whatever reason. But if the man was persistent about it, then it would change to ”Hell No". Or maybe you’ve called someone a bitch because they were just being rude. I know I have.

Other than the obvious words like bitch or ass, who made up these words? Where did they come from? How did the word “motherfucker” even come to be? Or even the word “fuck”. Who said from now on the word “fuck” will be used instead of saying having sexual intercourse or as an exclamation if you bang your toe on something? And who gave profanity such a bad rap?

I don’t recall in the Bible saying we couldn’t use these words. I thought we just couldn’t use his name in vain with words such as “Jesus Fucking Christ” or “Goddamn It”. And if we weren’t meant to, then why did god or your preferred deity give us these words? And if that’s the case, is “hell” to be considered a bad word or just a bad place? I guess there are those out there now that feels I am going to “hell” for using “His” name in vain. My response would be, “When you get there, send me a postcard or some type of proof because I don’t believe in such a place.” Not trying to dip into religion by using that word but just giving a little food for thought. Just a little something to make you say “Damn, she does give you something to think about.”