There are times when I look back on my life and reflect on some of the choices I made. The ones easiest to spot are the bad choices, because if I knew then what I know now, I know my life would’ve been different. But what I often ask myself is; would I be the person that I am now? Not to toot my own horn, but I am happy being the person that I am now. Don’t get it confused, I am not happy with the life I am living but, even with that, I can say I am content. I could be living a much worse life......

My thoughts were centered on things like that when a forum member, JRE started a thread simply titled “Will Rogers”. I knew who Will Rogers was but I didn’t know all the sayings he had, which was what JRE’s thread was about. I took it as being very uncanny. The ones that hit home to be were about getting older...I’ll give you the sayings and then my views on them.....

“Eventually you will reach a point when you stop lying about your age and start bragging about it.”

Most of my lying came into play when I was young and trying to get into bars. I don’t have a problem with getting older. I don’t mind the gray hairs coming either. My complaint with the gray hairs is the location. I wish they would focus on coming in more up north than down south.

I will be turning 39 in January. I guess I must be aging well because most tell me I don’t look my age now. But my body reminds me of my age - and often. And I do brag about my age to people like my son and his friends. My son likes to call me old anyway. I always come back with the saying, “With age comes wisdom”. I even have moments when I see myself acting like how my parents did when I was young. And I give them mad respect because I knew I was hellion back then but how this generation is now...Well, we all know.

?The older we get, the fewer things seem worth waiting in line for."

This one really rings true. When I was a teenager, I loved going shopping and the mall was the place to be. That still hasn’t changed. But now, I don’t want to be in a store or in any kind of line any longer than I have to. This even includes going out to the bars. I don’t want to have to wait 15 minutes to get a drink and an overpriced one at that. The situation can be resolved by simply buying what I like to drink and getting to drink more if I want. I even save money. The same thing applies to the movies. Why listen to someone’s phone ringing (which should be on vibrate) or someone talking through the movie. I may not see it opening night but, buying the dvd, I won’t have to worry about distracting noises. I still save waiting for the dvd. Have you seen the prices at the movies lately?

?You know you?re getting old, when everything dries up or leaks."

Thank the Goddess there haven’t been any leaks. Let me forget to put some lotion on and my feet look as if they’re going to shed their skin. This happens with my hands too. I am not sure if the dryness comes from being diabetic or getting older. The jury is still out on that one. But there little things I do like take a bath with baking soda and the use of pumice stones that seem to do the trick.

Even after thinking about those sayings, I still wonder how much time do I really have left. I know tomorrow is promised to no man but I can’t help but wonder if this virus will cut short some of my time. I don’t want to be jipped. I want to be able to age and die gracefully. But I wonder, is that even possible with this virus?