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Sisters Rise (and Shine)

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This blog is really fantastic as I have gone through all the posts. I don't know why the blog mater is not interested in posting some more relative information. I request the blog mater to add some more content to this great blog. I shall link from my blogs to this blog soon.  Regarding complete cure of HIV I was simply wondering why can't we find some thing useful in this direction. Since HIV and its treatment is an important issue or information we need more specific information on this subject. I have found a nice informative guide on HIV from following URL .  This guide deals with How To Cure HIV Through herbal medicines and Holistic Treatment. Guide claims that HIV viruses can't be killed but they can be ousted out of the body cells using bio magnetic repulsion or something written. You can verify the guide by downloading that for free. for this site. I dreamt of a HIV free world after reading this guide.  Hope that you will add more free information to the comment boxes to let other people read about this interesting subjects.  God bless you all-

April 20, 2009


Any suggestions? Forced out of dental school back in 1991 when i tested poz--I was a sophomore---things were VERY different back then.. Now I am 46. Been through hell mostly due to my student loans. Ruined my credit rating and cost me some jobs. The US Deparment of Education is RUTHLESS in collecting their money. I will NEVER be able to pay them off. Because of interest and collection fees I owe over $100,000. I have no assets. No retirement. Have had to bounce from job to job as the cost of benefits/prescriptions have increased. (currently my hiv meds are $100 each per month). The only to get rid of them is to get on disability ( and even then they can guarnish at substantial amount of it) or to die. I had to move into my parents basement about 1 year ago. And tell them i was poz. Depressed beyond belief. Do you know a congress person who could help me? My biggest loan was turned over to the US Department of Justice!!! Thanks

July 20, 2007

David Cooper

Hey Regan, Well hello from down under. I just wanted to say that your blog and poz's articles have given me a new outlook on life. I am stronger in spirit and attitude since I started reading your blog. Keep up the great work... David

June 8, 2007

joe perez

Hey Regan, I really liked your post and linked to it today from Gay Spirituality & Culture and also my own blog Until loved the image of sheep wearing sweaters best wishes, joe

April 17, 2007

Ron Hudson

Dear Regan, It was a pleasure to speak with you in Durham, NC, at the Duke Forum on current treatments for HIV/AIDS. I hope that you enjoyed your visit to North Carolina. I also hope that you will visit the International Carnival of Pozitivities and offer your suggestions on how to improve the outreach that we as a community are attempting with this forum. The focus of the ICP is quickly becoming one of eliminating stigma and providing validation for the experiences of each individual living with HIV/AIDS. Each person's experience with HIV/AIDS is different and each individual has to overcome his/her or ze's own issues with side-effects, complications and disclosure. Even if only 0.5% of patients experience a particular side effect, it is still very real for the person who is living with that side effect. Their experience must be acknowledged and considered. It is my hope that the ICP can help everyone who reads it understand that they are not alone and that stigma is just an opinion. Those of us who are able to do so can change opinion by living openly and with dignity. Thank you for your groundbreaking column/blog and for your work with POZ magazine. Thank you, as well, for coming down to our community to share your insights. Ron Hudson

April 12, 2007


Well that was a lovely message and a great read. My one and only woman friend left with HIV died last week and while Im trying to make contact with other women through the hit and miss environment of the clinical waiting room.. where conversation is at best - muted is a little bleak for now. We lived on opposite sides of the country and we tried to bridge the divide but not so easy when you may be housebound with illness time to time. I think it would be great for women who may not have up to date pcs or home computers if voluntary agencies hosted monthly online parties those old tupperware parties of the 70,s . It would be nice if state funded agencies could do this from time to time to relieve the isolation for some. I am looking forward to seeing this woman only spot - great move :-) Julianna

April 10, 2007

Yvette Bello

Hello Regan: I have sent a letter of invitaion to speak on May 31,2007 in Hartford, CT. As one of the state's whose federal funding was cut by 50%, I would ask that you consider helping bring awareness to the health disparity that these HIV funding cuts will create. My info is

April 10, 2007


Hi Regan, I'm a divorced, positive heterosexual male. (I know it since dec 2006). Your personal experiences really help me a lot to cope with this condition. Besides stuff like dealing with anxiety, mortality issues and having my worries about the future of my kids (can i see these sweet little toddlers grow up and take care of them), the stigma hurts so much! When reading your experiences i really feel like: ok, it's tough, but being poz is something i can and must deal with. Unfortunately i have noone i can tell or disclose to (yes Stigma). And i don't want relatives to be worried (my parents are 70 already). Well let's hope the meds will do their work when it's time for me to take them. Keep on going with the good work! Zeb

April 7, 2007


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