BAH, HUMBUG!....This holiday season I’m sick of the glitter, decorations, senseless gifts or maybe it’s just really bad timing. The global economy is going to hell in a hand-basket, and I, YES EVEN I am disgusted with even the thought of shopping!

Previously, the day after Thanksgiving I would crank up the carols until January 1, decorate the tree is the trendiest colors of the season, have signature holiday cards make to order, wrap all the numerous gifts like individual pieces of origami, and one year I even planted separate white amaryllises in dark-lime bamboo containers accented with metallic gold ribbons, just to give out as gifts to my friends and family at my holiday party. But with all the insanity in world: terrorists in Mumbai, the Big Three looking for a bail-out, that tragic story of the Wal*Mart employee being trampling to death, 533,000 people laid-off just in the month of November, and Brittany’s new album Circus...who wants celebrate!?

Dave has alternatives, very PC, POZ friendly - it’s ALL about giving to charity this holiday season! The best part is; you don’t have to move your lazy-ass out of your computer chair, or your couch, or your bed, or the Starbuck’s you’re reading this blog from. You simply need a debit card and you?re really to rock ’n’ roll.

I?m afraid to say ?YES, Virginia? children DO unfortunately get AIDS, and you ALL know how much I adore Teddy Bear Touchdown, as mention in my previous blog. Dave has other options as well, you can find kids in your own neighborhood who are suffering from AIDS and/or are affected by AIDS in their family through This site is amazing, go to any state, pick any city, and it will linked you to with specific gifts for every child. I?ve decided to donate gifts to these children in honor my friends and family (gifts as political statements??hell, yah!) Now that I’m an AIDS activist, anyway to get my point across that HIV does not discriminate is fair game. I?m going to have to come up with some type of creative cards, but I?m the gay son, brother, uncle, etc?just leave it to me! If you’re not into kids, why not donate to Palmetto AIDS Life Support Services (PALSS,) a South Carolina organization which provided testing, consulting, and other services. South Carolina has lost a lot of state funding for it’s increasing HIV/AIDS population. In fact, ANY state in the Southeast of the US is at high risk for HIV infections, be sure to donate ?below the Mason-Dixon line!? If you still can’t decide, why not check out the hundreds of world wide AIDS charities provided by Cell Science.

I’m still cranking up the carols, but I just decorating with last year’s decorations, and I’m only sending out video e-cards to everyone (save a stamp, save a tree, and tons of money!) THRIFT IS CHIC!

Happy POZidays,

To read more of this gibberish, please visit my website