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You wrote the question correctly...will Obama and our government manage to reform health care. A doc wrote a great article in our paper emphasizing that we've been focused on health care insurance rather than health care. He went into some fabulous and pathetic detail about the his firsthand involvement on the receiving end of overuse of the emergency room for headaches, hangovers, too much marijuana smoked, etc. He's suggesting doctors not worry about popularity so much and tell a patient that she or he is suffering X because they're too damned fat, or smoking too many cigarettes, or drinking too much and need to admit alcoholism. This guy made sense to me this morning. I see so many among us having learned and/or taught that if you make messes (from litter, to no literacy, to litigation-level) someone else will clean them up. We nearly congratulate people for not working and having someone else pay. Not even volunteering if able-bodied while parked on the couch all day to play. We set people and families up to fail mentally and physically with the current system. Sometimes I think the majority of the country's citizenry is depressed and rather than fluoridated water perhaps we now need anti-depressant-laced water instead. Have you looked around at the enormous number of enormous youths we have struggling to walk into McDonalds or the mall? We're all the Biggest Losers, reality TV or no, if we don't turn around the current self-care channel. Too bad one can't flip the remote and point toward navel and presto! Takes work or should I use a different, easier to take word....effort.

October 11, 2009

Marty Siegel

Happy to hear that you are well Marty Siegel

October 9, 2009


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