Phew! Its over! I?m happy to say that the trial is over and that I seem to survived. It was a trial about guns and gangstas, but in a way, it was also about my own abilities and priorities, and the effects of the stress on my health. As to the former, I think I probably would get an A- to an A on my report card. I say A- because there’s always room for improvement.

What you see on Law and Order is the Cliff Notes version of what criminal defense is really about; at its best, a good trial is like an intellectual and theatrical gunfight. This trial was probably the most fun I’ve had in years. I could rhapsodize about it ad nauseum, but suffice it to say that it made me feel incredibly alive. That?s a pretty good feeling to have, and I intend to enjoy the buzz for at least another day. I realize that is a dangerous statement to make of course, as we never know when the old cosmic brick is going to fall on our heads. That?s what to happened to this young lady?s little sister:

I happen to know for a fact that before that twisted wench Dorothy dropped her load on the wicked witch of the east, this poor woman, now so irreverently and unfairly dissed, was a churchgoing mother of four named Barbara. She was also something of a dish - a very good looking brunette who also played a mean game of scrabble. After Dorothy did her in, Barbara changed. She withdrew, and her anger turned her into Ms. mean grean. Dorothy?s deliberate act should have been properly investigated and prosecuted by the government, and Barbara should have been paid enough in damages to cover the cosmetic surgery to fix the skin condition that her justifiable rage wreaked on her sweet cheeks. Instead, she was maligned, melted and turned into an icon of evil.

Will this happen to Hillary if she is elected? Will it happen to her if she isn?t? Will Obama become Abummer? I favor Barack right now, but that could change. Either way, its going to be a very interesting convention, and a lot of fun to watch.

Although I respect McCain, I can’t see myself voting the inevitable McCain-Romney ticket. I’ve had enough of the Republican party, and McCain - who reveres Ronald Reagan - is not someone likely to support the kind of progressive thinking that our country needs.

We need to start thinking ahead. I’m talking twenty five years ahead. We need to divert most of our military budget to science and research. If we do that, we will become net exporters of energy and agriculture. Obama talks the talk but his position is not as aggressive as the future requires. Our security quagmire is the direct result of America’s overconsumption of the world’s resources, and until we change that, it will only get worse. Islamic terrorism is largely fueled by America’s consumption, as are most the other security threats we face. When we start treating the rest of the world fairly, they will have less animus towards us. If they need our energy and our food, and we can supply them, you can bet that they’ll stop flying planes into our cities. This isn’t idealism - it’s the truth
It will take a president with real cojones to take on the military and the entrenched petro-arms industries that rely on and support it. It will take honest, bold thinking. We can make it happen. We can lead the world the right way. But it will take hard work and commitment. If we don’t start looking ahead, Dorothy may drop her McMansion on us all.