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Why People with HIV Will Pay Dearly if the Republicans Repeal the Affordable Care Act

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Steven Roth

A big reason why Republicans were able to win back the house is becuase Democrats don't know how to sell their product. Even though its far supperior to their oppoenents, democrats didn't do a good enough job of explaining in simple terms how the benefits would help them. Republicans/conservatives understand the majority of americans are politically undeducated and are vulberable to being scrared away by false misleading phrases such as "governent takeover" "death panels" "socialism". If only democrats would start using republican tactics....We would be it a totally different situlation than we are know. Democrats need to teach people simple concepts such as,"limited government" is only good if you're a rich greedy corporation owner, and that Universal Healthcare only works if everyone is forced to purchase coverage. To summarize...Republicans are highly effective in what they do and can win power despite the fact that their platform only benefits a very small percentage of americans. Democrats need to wake up and smell the coffee and persuade the majority of people in this county that they truly are not Liberal, but the only "LOGICAL" polical party in this country.

January 21, 2011

steve (trial of beliefs)

Health care thats more then just a word. Health and care the 2 go hand in hand the one needing the other. Reminds me of a part in a song " The one who can not give for fear of being taken" and "the sole afraid of dying that never learns to live" There's more to it then just a few words in a song. The person with plenty of income driving a car with no insurance. the person of means with no health insurance who gets ill then dodges the bill. The insurance company with so many sources influencing an election by back door means while cliaming its costs are so high because of law sues that amount to only 1% of total costs but that 1% is 1% more in their pocket and its so easy to convince a public of how 'those" people are the blame. Health care is a cost saver and a life saver,its not just the "cost" its both. The working poor,the worker, and the poor have always paid the cost for those of means even when those with means can be saved with those with no means. the bottom line is not the costs which are really no cost when looked at in its whole. Its about the perceived idea of losing something without seeing the gain . Its about not seeing the forest for the trees.

January 20, 2011

Rowdy Yates

Regan, I feel your anger, I knew when I heard the Repuls have won control they where going to try to destroy the Health care Act, I was suprise they started so soon. I always thought of myself in poltics as kinda middle of the road, whoever made me YEAH I like that got my vote. Obama did that and I personally think he's done a pretty good job so far, some issue not so much, but over all a good job. I first heard about this was an tv ad Mike huckabee did my response sent my dogs running for cover then I got on the phone and called everyone I could think of said we have to stop this. So speaking for me and some friends from Tennessee, That Dog ain't gonna run. Rowdy Yates

January 15, 2011


This is going to very bad for so many people. If they do manage to repeal this people won't know what has been done to them until it is too late and need the help.

January 12, 2011

Tony Bowman

Regan, I love you. I love your writing. Thank you for your well written expose on the Affordable Care Act. Sincerely, Tony

January 12, 2011

Frederick Wright

I still think are employees in Washington D.C do not understand the Americans presuit for happiness and the need for all to have excess to affordable healthcare. As the army of lobbist from the insurance companies and pill pushing Doctors and their cartel call PHarma are positioning themselves to over trun the reform of Healthcare. First we must ask the House and Senate if the healthcare systems in America is broken and what is their solution. Second we must bring to light Green Card employee at Human Health Insurance where an estimated 10 percent of their work force here in Florida are from other countries that are marriage(hee hee) to a woman to get a green card. You see if these Health Insurance companies, Hospitals and such are hiring Green Card folks to stop paying affordable wages to Americans then unemploment might match the Green Card flood of workers, leaving Americans out of Empolyment and Healthcare. You see these nuses hiried from other countries do not have to do the same as American Nurses or the education mills in other countries flood our employment market to out Americans from Jobs. From this lobbist for the American People I say Imigration Reform and Healthcare Reform. Washington D.C fix the problem and get to work and Stop killing the American People's body and spirit with your greedy need to put more money in the CEO's and their friends pocket, while we pay for Washington D.C employees health plan. Lobbing Reform, Imigration Reform, Healthcare Reform equals more jobs and health for my American sisters and brother.

January 10, 2011


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