Catherine Hanssens departed Lambda Legal Defense in September after eight years as AIDS Project director. The litigating legend will do HIV-policy consulting while planning her hell-raising sequel...Nikko Briteramos, the 19-year-old HIVer doing 120 days for sex sans disclosure [see “Milestones”, November 2002], got four years after returning late from a release to register for college...The Senate confirmed Mark McClellan, an MD-cum-economist with a bipartisan rep, no industry ties and little drug-safety experience for the FDA’s top spot, empty since W’s ascent...California Gov. Gray Davis lauded Survive AIDS activist Jeff Gustavson for taking his top-notch swimming to November’s Gay Games despite co-infection...Eric Perez, doing 27 years for allegedly biting a Wal-Mart guard [see “America’s Most Unwanted”, August 2000], died August 21 -- inmates claim the HIVer was denied medical attention.