| 81. Carl Schmid The deputy executive director of The AIDS Institute is at every government meeting to which the public is invited, and many the public is not. He stands tirelessly for the rights of people with HIV and fought to get more funding for the AIDS Drug Assistance Program. Schmid not only saves lives but also shows that a consistent message, if heard, can lead to positive change.

| 82. Julie Scofield The executive director of NASTAD ensures that the link between federal funding and state-run AIDS programs stays strong. Her strategic vision and diplomacy are often tapped to hone strategies and policies.

| 83. Linda Scruggs The director of programs for AIDS Alliance for Children, Youth and Families, Scruggs has survived more hardship than many of us can imagine-and done so with a grace and steadiness that inspire. This AIDS educator is living proof that you can’t keep a good woman down.

| 84. Pernessa C. Seele The founder and CEO of the Balm in Gilead uses faith to combat HIV/AIDS. Her organization provides faith-based institutions around the nation with help and support as they reach out from the pulpit to save their congregants. Can we get an Amen?

| 85. Ron Simmons, PhD A national leader in AIDS education and outreach to African-American communities, Simmons is most known for his leadership of Us Helping Us, People Into Living, one of the largest black nonprofit AIDS organizations. A photographer and writer active in DC’s black gay arts renaissance, he turns AIDS activism into art.

| 86. Deborah Peterson Small The disproportionate number of people of color incarcerated for drug offenses inspired the executive director of Break the Chains to advocate for drug policy reform. She helps people break free of stigma and discrimination-and then throws away the key.

| 87. Wendy Stark As executive director for New York City’s Callen-Lorde Community Health Center, one of the nation’s leading health care facilities for the LGBT community, Stark has launched an on-site pharmacy and now sends her staff out into the field. Her vision is based on doing whatever it takes to break down barriers to top-notch care and to align human rights and health care.

| 88. Valerie Stone, MPH The associate professor of medicine at Harvard has dedicated her career to serving HIV-positive women of color and to reducing health care disparities in the black and Latino communities. Her recent book, HIV/AIDS in U.S. Communities of Color, will undoubtedly help us turn the page to a better chapter in HIV/AIDS.

| 89. Steffanie Strathdee, PhD The associate dean of Global Health Sciences at the University of San Diego’s School of Medicine, Strathdee focuses on migration and health. She works to stop the spread of HIV along the U.S./Mexico border and understands that the virus has no country of origin.

| 90. Sean Strub POZ’s founder and AIDS activist extraordinaire is at it again-with a vengenance. Strub is the senior advisor to the Center for HIV Law and Policy’s Positive Justice Project and is working to combat the stigma and discrimination against people with HIV in the criminal justice system.