What’s the most helpful thing anyone has said to you over your years living with HIV?

I asked my AIDS doctor on my first visit in July 1992 if testing positive meant I wouldn’t be able to have children. He told me, “Do not let AIDS prevent you from living your life. If you want to, then have children.” I now have three children.   

What is your refuge from thinking about and dealing with your health?

Running. I have done at least one mile every day for over four years. I post my activity on my Facebook wall daily—as of today I am on my 1,480th day in a row. I have others who have joined in and who post on my wall. They say, “If Lisa can do it with AIDS and Parkinson’s disease, then I have no excuses. It’s just a mile.”  

Do you think there will be a cure in your lifetime—and if so, will you benefit from it?

Yes and yes.  

What advice would you give to someone newly diagnosed?

Don’t waste your time blaming yourself or others for your diagnosis. Time is precious. Spend it making plans for your fabulous future.