In this episode, recorded on World AIDS Day, co-hosts Justin and Shanice are joined by Leisha McKinley-Beach, Founder and CEO of the Black Public Health Academy. Now, on the brink of retirement, McKinley-Beach discusses her lifelong commitment to ending the HIV epidemic in the U.S., and her new venture that aims to forge intergenerational partnerships that cultivate opportunities for other passionate activists and advocates to hold the torch and lead the fight. This episode’s Southern Charm goes out to SisterLove, an organization, founded in 1989, as a volunteer group of women interested in educating Atlanta and especially communities of women about HIV prevention, self-help, and safer sex techniques.

Southern Steep: Brewing Stronger Community - Season 4, Episode 4: Bowing Out and Building Capacity
Listen to this episode, as podcast co-hosts Justin and Shanice are joined by Leisha McKinley-Beach, Founder and CEO of the Black Public Health Academy