I know it has been a minute since I last did an entry but as I stated before my internet is off at the moment. It will be back on shortly but now my laptop monitor decided to die on me. I swear if it isn’t one thing it’s another. But this girl always has a plan so I may have another in a few weeks, hopefully.

A lot has been going on in my world, not really directly but through people who are close to me. If you recall from a previous entry, I mentioned having a gay friend who was going through some issues with his ex. He is now back living with me and there was some brief drama with his psychotic boyfriend, uh, I mean ex-boyfriend. There was one point when it almost became physical after being called the N word numerous times. And I basically walked away but how many times am I going to be called that word. So, walked away I did but I ended up having to press harassment charges against the ex because he kept coming to my house and calling on my roomie’s cell. At the moment, that has come to a stop since the last time he showed up, I threated to call the police on him. And the police has been called on him for other reasons but the police after hearing the dispute is between two gay men, never want to do anything. I worry for my friend because his ex has done everything in the book to try to get him to go back. We’re talking about calling his job and delivering five page letters to calling our mutual friend and getting in heated arguements with him. It would be sad if something terrible happened in order for the police to do their job.

Then there is my son. He had his prelimenary hearing yesterday. All the charges he had were dropped except for one, I am grateful for that. But the remaining charge can carry a maximum of up to seven years. I spoke to my son’s Public Defender who is concerned that my son may end up getting the max because he doesn’t seem to show any remorse for what he did. A court appointment psychiatrist is suppose to be evaluating my son soon. But even if he shows some remorse, my son is guaranteed to do some time, not that I have a problem with that, I just wish I could honestly say my son learned his lesson. At times, I really don’t think he has and that is what worries me. I still do what I can to support him. I write him letters and when I can afford it, I put money on his books. In every letter I write to him I try to pound in the fact that he should be learning from his mistake and to try to make the best of his time while there, like educating himself and getting his G.E.D.

As for myself, I can say things have finally calmed down. I had my blood work done again and my cd4 rose from 705(which my ID doc thought was a blip) to 775. My percentage is still steady at twenty-six percent. And finally, he allowed me to stop taking the Dapsone which I had been on since I started my meds last September. I also made my appointment to see the therapist. It wasn’t bad, he asked a lot of questions and I explained the depression I had went through back in January. I also explained to him how I was put on Celexa for the depression because of the Sustiva in my Atripla. And I also expressed how I have not had another depressive episode since then so he decided that I didn’t need to take the Celexa anymore. Now I am down to just four pills. I can live with that.

I still haven’t made it to the Y with my sister but i did manage to lose five pounds. I think it is because I have cut back on the Pepsi and drinking more vitamin water. And even though I haven’t begun exercising, I have been more active so to me it is still a win-win situation. I no longer feel like my world is spinning out of control and I am back on top of things again.