While sitting here puffing on a blunt, I was trying to think of the name for this entry which is basically letting you all know that I will be going to Pittsburgh after all to see the specialist. Then it came to me as I sit watching Ms. Rap Supreme on VH1, the movie with Whoopi Goldberg and Drew Barrymore called “Boys on the Side”.I don’t remember much about it other than one of them had AIDS, at first, I thought it was Whoopi but that was in her other movie with Angela Bassett, “How Stella Got Her Groove Back”.

Never really sat through that one either. What can I say? I am a chick who is not into chick flicks. The only one I ever did like was “Waiting to Exhale”. I wish I could get my groove back so I could exhale. Another story for another time, one day. But I will still manage to exhale as I am getting to my appointment instead of having to reschedule. And maybe just maybe I will be able to exhale a second time if the specialist tells me that this lesion is treatable or not worth worrying about. Despite all my latest tragedies, hope still seems to spring eternal.

Though I am not going to see any boys on the side but a specialist, it’s a road trip that is long overdue. I wish I could be going to Pittsburgh for another reason but I still plan to make the most of it. And with a Ghetto Queen, Gay Queen, and Hippie Queen in one small orange Mustang, I am sure there is some fun to be had. I am definitely taking my camera, hopefully I can catch one of my roadies doing something worth blackmailing them for....*LOL* Or better yet snap a few pics of some Pittsburgh boys on the side.

So look for me after the sun sets. Hopefully I will be coming back with good news, a good story and some good pics.