I have to say things have been going pretty good in my little world. I have been in my apartment now for going on two months. Lucifer (my demon kitty) and I couldn’t be happier. Despite the health issues I have, I am doing quite well. I think it has even surprised a few on how well I am doing and the fact that I don’t let those issues hold me back anymore.

I have gotten rid of people in my life who seems to keep drama going. As the saying goes, “Misery loves company” but I am done being miserable. I have replaced them with people who actually give a damn about me and encourage me to better myself. Like I mentioned in my past blog entry, I am now going to a Women’s Support group which has helped me tremendously. In the beginning, I barely talked, now you can hardly get me to shut up. And I have to thank my pretend hubby for that because without his little nudge I wouldn’t have gone. I have to say that I am glad that I did.

Even my love life has gotten better, I have fallen in love----with MYSELF! And it shows, I think. I think I have a glow about me that I didn’t have before. I always thought I needed a man to complete me and now I see that I don’t. I love being independent and carefree. Oh sure, being human, who doesn’t want a companion? And I do want one but on my terms, in a way, I do have one. We have been seeing each other for a few months now but we have not engaged in a relationship. I like to think what we have is an understanding. And I am good with that but most of all he encourages me to better myself and not just settle for anything.

I use to go by the handle of Queen Akasha, based on the character by Anne Rice, because she was known to be the Queen of the Damned. Back then with this virus, I felt like I was the living dead and my life was truly damned. To those newly infected who feels like their life is over---IT IS NOT. I’m not saying it is a cake walk and it is ok to feel what you are feeling but DON’T let it CONSUME you. We all have our process of dealing with this virus. A happy ending or I should say a happy beginning can happen if you allow it to. I mean realistically, it may still be some years before there is a cure but don’t let this virus take over your life. Take back control of your life, you may not be able to do it alone, and that is fine. There is no shame in asking for help or getting support, it doesn’t make you any less of a person. What it does make you is a stronger person in the long run. And you may be able to be there for someone else later on down the line.