I guess this entry is simply just an update on what’s going on with yours truly. Last week I had my MRI done. I have heard stories about it. I can now tell you that I am not claustrophobic. Actually being in that contraption kind of reminded me of something out of the movie “Aliens”. I forget which one but the one where Ripley and her crew were in like sleep pods or something. And while being in it, I actually had to catch myself a few times because I was dozing off. What I didn’t like was that crap they shot up in my iv. It left a nasty taste in my mouth, made me hot like I was having hot flashes and made me feel like I had pissed on myself.

I called the liver specialist today to get the results from the MRI. It’s now official, I have a lesion on my liver. Yes, they had said that when the cat scan was first done but I guess they needed to do the MRI to make it official. What gets me is that whatever else was seen on the MRI, the specialist now wants me to go to either Pittsburgh or Cleavland to see more specialists. Huh? I could’ve sworn he was a specialist. And I am jumping to the conclusion that something must be wrong since they are sending me out of town to get looked at. The immediate question is, how in the hell am I suppose to get there? I have a friend who has been carting me around like he was driving Ms. Daisy to get me to my appointments locally but not even he has the gas to get me to Cleavland or Pittsburgh. But before I go into hysterics, I will give my ASO a call and see if they can be of any assistance. Now I have to go and get an ultrasound done tomorrow. Since it is confirmed that I do have a lesion on my liver, I have to wonder what the ultrasound is even for. Maybe they are looking to see if there is an alien nibbling away on my liver.

I also went to go see the lung specialist today. For a change there is some good news. After looking at the cat scan, the cyst or nodule doesn’t seem to be cancer. In fact, the specialist said it is so small it is a wonder that the cat scan even picked it up. He assured me that for the time being there is no need to do a biopsy.But he will continue to monitor it for the next two years which will have me going every four months to get scans done to see if it gets any bigger.

In conclusion, I am a bit relieved but still worried. But I’ll take what I can get. And as I like to say, I am too much of a bitch to go out without a fight.