What got me on this topic was because I had just got done watching “Queen of the Damned”. Another of my fave movies even though I did like the book much better. And if you venture into the Forums, you can see I like it so much that I took the name. I have had the name even before the forums, in other places. I have always had a thing for vampires. At least in the movies; not sure how I would react to those who try to live the lifestyle of a vampire. I would be curious but not sure I would pick up the lifestyle. If there was such a thing as a vampire, I would want to be one. Hey, that would be one way to beat hiv, I’d be dead!!!!! I know; bad joke but you get my point.

In regards to the movies, I think what draws me is their personality which always seem to be dark and brooding. They all seem to love the color black and of course have to live their life in the dark. I love the color black and for the most part I am quite nocturnal. I could live up to my name sake, Angelique (character from the show Dark Shadows and how I got my middle name). I think she was a witch and a vampire. After shaking down the family tree a few years back, I did find out that members of mine did follow the craft. So, in fact that would make me a 3rd generation witch or a natural witch in most occult circles. For the past 10 years I have followed a Pagan path in regards to my spirituality. I like to think of myself as being eclectic since I don’t follow any specific path but incorporate many into life. I did dabble with a coven once but found that I like working alone. In the words of Lestat, I hope you found this to be a “good read”.