Spring is definitely in the air, I am noticing certain changes within myself. As anybody can notice, the weather is changing and the last few days the weather has been rather nice. I took advantage of the nice weather and opened up the windows in my apartment to air it out. It was overdue with five cats and the allergies that I have newly acquired. A nice cool breeze came into the apartment and the stale indoor smells were suddenly gone. But just to make sure, I did a little bit of spring cleaning through the house with some bleach.

Those warm days also motivated me to get off of my ass and get out of the house. Are you sitting down? I went and visited my oldest sister. Yes, she was the one who decided to tell the world along with my other sister about my positive status. Since the end of last year we have been talking more, not a whole bunch more but more. I still don’t trust her but I get along with her better than the other sister. I have even gotten bolder with our conversations and bring up my positive status from time to time. I think I have gotten to the point, at least with her, that I am not going to let her hold it over my head any more. I will not lie, I also do it for the shock value because we can be talking about anything, I’ll mention my status or something pertaining to it and I see the shock on her face since she wasn’t expecting it. It never gets old and the look on her face is priceless every time.

After visiting her, I also went to visit another friend. She lives closer to my sister than I do but both of their houses is a distance from mine. I was proud of myself, I walked to both. Since having a car, I hadn’t been doing any walking. I still have been getting some exercise in with daily walks. I also plan on joining the Y hopefully next month depending on how my money looks after paying bills. I think the little bit of activity that I have been doing lately has done me a world of good. I feel like I have more energy and I feel more motivated.

Another bit of good news, I may have a job soon. It is only part time, nothing major but it will bring me a little extra income which I so badly need. I have an interview on the 15th at 11 am. I am excited but I don’t want to get my hopes up because of the fear of not getting the job. I have spoken with my case worker and she sent me paperwork so I can get a clothing allowance in time for the interview. My best friend has also loaned me a car for a year so I can try to save some money to get a car of my own. The only thing I have to do is pay the inspection and make it legal which took the majority of my check this month.

They say with Spring comes change, Goddess knows I am overdue for some and it seems it is finally happening. Back a few entries someone named Blu commented that I had a habit of talking about my weed smoking a bit too much, in honor of Blu I had started a “weed jar”,bank, fund or whatever you want to call it. I just wanted to let Blu know that I saved enough money to get me a few things to get dolled up for my job interview. Isn’t it wonderful what a little bit of commenting,compromise, and commitment(to smoking weed and the weed fund) can do!!!!! Oh My and 420 is coming up fast too....*grins*