I feel bad for neglecting my blog lately but I must admit that I have been busy. And I admit, that I like it. Things have been moving pretty fast for a hermit like me. I have still been working on making the car legal which it still has a few things to get done but hopefully that will be completed next week when it gets inspected. And it has taken a chunk of my time running to the junkyard for parts, learning about those parts, installing parts with help from friends and going to the notary to put the title in my name.

I also have been neglecting my diabetes. I have been taking my meds as usual but has been neglecting checking my sugars with my glucometer. I just haven’t had the time but my internal meter has been letting me know when I need to eat or drink more water. I also had an appointment with my primary doctor. My A1C was a little high but my doctor is not worried because my past tests were good. But the diabetes was getting neglected because like I said, I haven’t had the time to check my sugars and I was more concerned about my HIV . It’s hard trying to juggle diabetes along with HIV, it seems I can never have a happy medium with either. When one is acting fine, the other is not.

I have been changing things in my diet like cutting back on the Pepsi and drinking more water. That seems to be my main problem when it comes to the diabetes because I always eat healthy. I have also made up my mind to stop smoking. My insurance won’t cover the Chantix but I did get some nicotine patches. I bought one last carton of cigarettes, I think I am down to the last three packs. When those are gone, I will start with the patches. According to my doctor, every little bit helps.

I am also about to start packing things up to move out of my apartment. My landlord is letting me break my lease and I have been looking for another place. I do have a temporary spot but with just being accepted for Section 8, I need to find a place that falls under their guidelines. So, in reality things have only slowed down for the moment. But with all things, I take it one day at a time.