What’s included in POZ Personals Premium? Let’s take a look.

Save Your Favorite Searches

Most members have a go-to search. Say you want to find gay men between 25 and 40 years old in Florida or straight women between 40 and 55 years old in Texas. Well, this feature is for just that search. You can save your search and rerun it with one click each time you log in. It’s a super simple way to find any new active members in your area. And with no limit on the number of searches, you can save as many as you like.

New Member Alert Service

If you liked the Save Search feature, you’ll like this one even more. You won’t need to log in daily to find new members who meet your search criteria because this feature does it for you and sends a list of those members straight to your email inbox. The email includes members’ avatar, location and age.

Search Blocker

Are you a gay man who doesn’t want straight women contacting you? Then this feature is for you. With a few clicks of your mouse, you can decide which searches you’ll appear in. Don’t want people outside the United States contacting you? Easy! Or maybe you don’t want new members contacting you. It’s simple to set up, and it’s just as simple to make changes once you have!

POZ Personals search blocker

Search blocker opening screen

No More Captchas

Several years ago, we implemented Captchas to stop spammers from using messages and flirts to harass people en masse. Well, premium members can say goodbye to Captchas forever. When you sign up for this feature with a verified credit card, it will be activated immediately.

See ALL Your Footprints

Want to know who has visited your profile? This feature will tell you! Regular members get to see only the most recent visitor, but as a premium member, you’ll be able to see everyone who has viewed your profile.

Top All Relevant Searches

Have you been frustrated with your location in search results? Maybe you live outside of town and don’t show up in  searches for your city until page 2? Well, with this feature, you will appear at the top of ALL searches for which you meet the search criteria. No more page 2 for you!

Unlimited Messages and Flirts

How many messages do you send a day? If you are regularly reaching the 25 message/flirt daily limit, this feature will enable you to send as many as you can type!

Add Unlimited Photos

Regular members can post five public photos and one private photo. Not enough for you? As a premium member, you’ll have no limits. Add as many public and private photos as you like.

Custom Search Options

We offer a ton of quick and advanced search options for all members, but if you want even more options, this feature is for you. With just one click, you can see anyone who has logged in over the past 24 hours. You can also search for only other premium members and much, much more.

Now that we’ve covered why you should upgrade, here’s how you can sign up. The premium link is front and center on the dashboard (the home page you land on after logging in) and can also be accessed from any page under “Manage Profile” in the right-hand menu by clicking on “Upgrade Premium.” You can use any credit card or your PayPal account to sign up. Package options include:

  • 1 month $9.99
  • 3 months $19.99
  • 6 months $29.99
  • 12 months $49.99

Did we miss something? Please email us suggestions about the features you’d like to see added to POZ Personals to personals@poz.com. All feedback is welcome.