It was bound to happen, after reading a few of my fellow bloggers takes on the upcoming election, I had to put my two cents in. And to be honest, I am not involved in politics like most Americans. I usually sit on the sidelines, observe, and listen to others bitch. And in all my thirty-nine years, I have never voted. So add that as being another first besides a black man may end up being President or a female Vice-President.

With the Democratic and Republic Conventions now over, this coming election has been turned into a soap opera. And believe me, I have been tuning in and waiting eagerly for the plot to thicken. I am literally on the edge of my seat with a Pepsi in one hand and a bowl of popcorn in other.

I have also been paying attention to the signs that people have put in their yards. It would seem like the majority of the hood is going with Obama. In the beginning, I was going for Hillary, though I will admit not for the reasons most probably were. I was pondering the good old days back when Bill was in office. And wishing for those days again with Hillary. But when she lost to Obama, I was still reluctant to side with him. Not because I didn’t think he would do a good job, I just didn’t want to be responsible for him getting there then becoming a target. Remember what happened to Jesse Jackson back in the day. And he was only running for Vice President. And though, we as a country like to believe we have overcome prejudice, there are people out there who is not willing to accept a black man as President. This topic came up once in a thread in the Forums. Needless to say, I got a few tongue lashings for my views. I even think some felt I was being racist when all I was being was realistic.

And McCain, I am a bit baffled by him. I respect the fact that he was once a POW and he made it back alive. You have to give the man props for that. But what I don’t understand is how he can condone this war? When he knows personally what it is like to be in one.

And another thing, the man is seventy-two years old. He basically has one foot in the grave and another on a banana peel. At that age, anything could happen. And you know Cindy, his wife knows this as well. She’s just sitting back in the cut, waiting to get those seven houses her husband lost count on and all that money. And the media calling him a maverick for picking Palin, uh huh, that was Cindy putting that bug in McCain’s ear. It’s the perfect alibi, make it seem like he is trying to scoop up female Hillary supporters when in reality she’s hoping her husband and Palin gets caught in the sack. Instant heart attack and she’s one rich bit--er, I mean woman.

Ms. Palin needs no introduction with the drama frenzy she has unleashed. Just being nominated while being under investigation made my jaw hit the floor. And being in that little Alaskan town, I can see her using her power as Governor for evil doings. Who is going to question her? She’s Governor and now that the spotlight is on her as Vice President, who is going to go against her? I predict she is going to win that case and whoever is on the losing team is going to get demoted or fired.

I may get some gripes about this, but what was she thinking getting pregnant at her age? I am not buying that it was a mistake crap. She knew she was still getting visits from Aunty Flo. And now she has a Down’s Syndrome baby who she never seems to hold. That job got passed on to poor little Bristol, now they’re scratching their heads wondering why the girl popped up pregnant. To make matters worse, she now has to marry the man or is it boy who knocked her up. Can we say “shotgun wedding”? I knew you could. I sure hope Ms. Palin makes good money as Governor because I foresee some serious therapy bills for Bristol.

That pretty much did it for me. I registered myself to vote, not sure if my little vote will make a difference. I just knew there was no way I could sit on the sidelines for this one. I will be a Democrat and I am voting for Obama. I just hope when he makes it to the White House he hires a bit more protection.