It’s nice to finally not have anything to bitch about. As I like to say,“things are coming full circle”. Issues have now been resolved and I feel at peace with things in my life now. I have noticed a few gray hairs have appeared but they have been earned and I wear them with pride.

Things here at home have been great. I love being independent, single and living alone. I thought I would have a problem with being single, but I have come to embrace it. I have started dating again too. Not really putting a lot of effort into it but I met someone. And so far, things are working out and I am good with that.

Medically things are good too. My resistance test came back negative so I can start my meds again. My body seemed to be holding its own, my cd4 is now at 805 from 775 and I am still undetectable. My blood sugar on the other hand took a dive so I have now started taking the Lantus shot. I was thinking I would have a problem injecting myself but it turned out to be easier than I thought. Hell, checking my blood sugars with my glucometer hurts more. I still haven’t heard anything back from the CT scan but if it was anything serious, I would’ve gotten a call.

I have decided to join the Women’s group that my ASO is putting together. I went yesterday and signed up. What was weird to me was the fact that everyone at my ASO seemed to know about it and they are excited about me joining. I almost felt like a celebrity signing an autograph instead of a release form. The woman who started the group seems to think that I will have a lot to offer the group. And that I will make a difference to one woman who was recently diagnosed. I hope that I will. But I can’t help but to think how far I have come in regards to this virus.

I feel like I have reached another level in this journey called my life....