Catchy title isn’t it? I don’t know who came up with that phrase but it definitely fits the mood that I am in. So consider this blog entry to be more of a rant about feeling disrespected, unappreciated, and why kids are the way they are. I know it doesn’t make sense now but hear me out, please.

The story begins with me giving my best friend a call early this morning. It’s kind of a ritual we have since I am known to sleep late. I was returning her call that I missed because I was sleep. Though I am partially deaf, I could hear quite clearly that she was pissed off. And I was calling her to see if she knew that her son was sending out invites on MySpace for a New Years Eve party at her house. It seemed kind of strange to me that there would be one considering that she let him have a party right before Christmas. And after I informed her of this upcoming social event it through her right over the edge. The next thing I knew, I got hung up on and ten minutes later my doorbell was ringing. It was the bf.

She began to tell me how she laid into him about this so called social event she knew nothing about. Then she asked me to go to MySpace and show me where he had it at. I did as she asked but also noticed that her son, my godson had just written a bulletin which was directed at me for telling his mother about the party. I was now called a snitch for telling his mother about the party. But what puzzles me is how can I be a snitch when he had it posted on MySpace. Hell, with the first party he even had my bf’s home number displayed for all the world to see.

Well, first things first, I had to listen to my best friend rant. And after she got it all out, I gave her my honest opinion. I held nothing back. I gave her a most colorful yet descriptive explanation of what her son, my godson was. But for the sake of sounding really ghetto, I will just say he is spoiled, lazy, disrespectful and unappreciative. And that she need to kick his ass to the curb. Excuse that slight outburst but I am still highly pissed off about the situation. But it gets better.

Next up, the godson and his never ending sentence that was suppose to be a response on MySpace for snitching on his party. I was told that I was a snitch. That I need to get a life instead of living check to check from disability, like I never worked a day in my life. When in reality, I have worked since I was seventeen years old. And only been on disability going on six years. Oh yeah, let’s not forget being called a bitch and invited to suck on his dick. From that point on I was seeing red. I wrote him back and told him how I didn’t appreciate the fact that he disrespected his mother the way he had. Also followed up with how he need to get off his lazy ass and go look for job instead of making excuses. Yeah, what he said pissed me off but what sent me over the edge was the blatant disrespect. Disrespect toward the only people that has ever done anything for him his whole life. It pisses me off and makes me sick to my stomach. The sad part is that my best friend is partially to blame for his attitude and society for the other.

I have noticed that these days, kids have no respect for those who are their elders. And for some reason has lost the urge to earn something. They expect everything to be handed to them like they deserve it. When they’ve done nothing to earn it. Now bad parenting may be part of the cause for this happening. But I feel society has it part to play in it as well. Society messed up when they picked up the “spare the rod spoil the child” mentality. I’m from the old school where you got spankings. Back then it wasn’t considered child abuse but correcting your child. I’m not condoning beating your child like he or she was a runaway slave. A few swats on the behind would suffice. Nor am I saying that everyone’s child is like my godson or the kids I am describing. I know there are people who have good kids that are doing the right thing. Believe me, the bad ass kids seems to have outnumbered the good kids. At least that’s the way it is in my hood......