I am not one to really watch the news, but lately, I have been noticing disturbing things. People are killing their kids. There were plenty of times when I was a teenager especially; I would do things that would piss my parents off. And I have often heard parents say to their kids, “I brought you into this world and I can take you out too” but I never thought parents would really act on it.

I had mentioned before about the guy who tossed four of his kids off of a bridge. Another person tossed their child off of a bridge. And closer to home, a woman killed her grandchild. This one hit home because the child was only three months old and related to my son. It was his brother’s mother who killed the little girl. And the little girl was my son’s niece. My son brought it to my attention and I followed the story on the news and on the internet. Sad, it is the only time my city gets a mention on any news is when something bad happens.

A few things trouble me. I am wondering why would my son’s brother would leave his child with his mother, knowing she gets high? And when I say get high, I mean from crack. When I am high from smoking weed, the last thing I want to do is baby-sit. And from my understanding, the grandmother changed her story three times but the coroner report says the baby was hit in the head with a blunt object. Another thing that bothers me is that her son seems to be making the excuse for her about being high, like that excuses his mother for killing his child. I don’t get that. I will say he is a better person that I am because if she wasn’t in jail, I would be for trying to kill her ass.

The saying that pops into my head is “A Mother is God in the eyes of a child” or something to that effect. But I guess my son’s brother is thinking he can always make another one, which to me is really sad. What about the one that is gone and, if another one is born, at least maybe this one will have a better chance at survival since the grandmother is locked away. What a waste when there are people in the world who can’t have children.